The Research Center is a specialized department within the Italian Buddhist Union, dedicated to fostering connections with the academic world in disciplines related to Buddhism and those where Buddhism can make a contribution.
It promotes education and academic research;
Encourages interdisciplinary dialogue and the dissemination of scientific knowledge through the creation of academic courses, organizing conferences, think-tanks, and other scholarly gatherings;
Funds research positions and scholarships; as well as publishing its activities through various publications and media.
The Research Center has three main focus areas for its activities:
Specifically within BUDDHIST STUDIES, the Research Center supports the creation of new courses, degree programs, and other education initiatives (including master’s programs, advanced training courses, summer schools, and so forth).
It supports international dialogue and collaboration through the organization of conferences, seminars, and other scholarly events and is at the forefront in the translation and publication of primary and secondary literature in this field.
In the emerging field of CONTEMPLATIVE STUDIES, the Research Center is committed to work toward a clearer definition and recognition of this new academic discipline in Italy and Europe, both as a field of research and an education sector, alongside its integration into different sectors of society and professional settings.
Another fundamental task of the Research Center is to explore how Buddhism’s philosophical and contemplative heritage can be applied in fields such as CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES, DIGITAL STUDIES, ECOLOGICAL STUDIES, GENDER AND DIVERSITY STUDIES, DEATH STUDIES, and BIOETHICS.